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Social Entrepreneurs for Economic Development 2 (SEED 2) Grant


The Employment Training Panel (ETP), California Workforce Development Board, and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency are proud to announce the expansion of the SEED 2 Grant for Fiscal Year 21/22. The purpose of SEED 2 is to support the entrepreneurship of immigrants and Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals who face significant employment barriers. The SEED 2 grant will provide micro-grants, entrepreneurial training, and technical assistance to SEED target populations to support them in starting or maintaining a small business in California aimed at addressing a social problem or meeting a community need.


Please see the Solicitation for Proposal & Forms packet for information on eligibility. 

Award Amounts:

The Agency and ETP are pleased to announce the availability of approximately $17,000,000 for CBOs to provide micro-grants, community outreach, training, and technical assistance to immigrant and limited English proficient entrepreneurs who face significant barriers to employment.