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Accepting Bids for Construction Project - Walnut CA

$43 Million DVBE Project

Trade Bid
R.C. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES JNC., 2223 N. Locust Ave., Rialto, CA 92377 is searching for qualified (DVBE) Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise for participation on the following listed project(s). 

Please mail or fax us any DVBE Listings you may have and/or use the following project information to refer any qualified DVBE firms. 

Oswalt Academy New Campus

Location: 19501 Shadow Oak Drive, Walnut, CA 91789 
Approximate Project Value: $42,970,000.00 
Contracting Agency: Rowland Unified School District 
Bid Date/Time: May 27th, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. 
(Please submit bids at least one hour prior to bid time if possible) 

Seeking All Trades Including But Not Limited To: 
Asphalt, Earthwork, Grading, Paving, Utilities, Concrete, Rebar, Landscaping, Masonry, Framing, Carpentry, Casework, Cabinets, Structural Steel, Misc MetaIs, Sheet Metal, HVAC, Plumbing Mechanical, Fencing, Glass/Glaze, lnsulation, Lath/Plaster/Drywall, Roofing, Fireproofing, Acoustical, Flooring, Tile, Fire Protection, Paint/Wall-covering, Electrical, Low Voltage, Building Specialties, Toilet Accessories/Partitions, Doors/Frames/Hardware and any other related trades and/or materials. 

Contact: Brad McMurray 
Phone: 909/829-3688 
Fax: 909/829-3696

Payment, Performance, Supply Bonds may be required and if required may be at bidders expense. Plans and Specifications are available at our office (contact us for plan information). To the best of our abilities we will assist with bonds, insurance, credit. Please contact us using the above listed contact information for assistance with any further information you may require in order to participate on the above referenced project(s).